Robotics is the BEST
Processing is an electronic sketchbook for developing ideas.  You can program with this application and it is easy to understand.  There're tutorials and references on the website
If you don't want to download the application, you can also go to and it is a site that you can create a sketch on the internet.

Found Sketch Processing!

I found another good website for processing, beside!
they are both good, but sketch processing might be useful when you need to open processing fast. But openprocessing is useful when you want to save your work and start it where you left it. for Sketch Processing, you can also use for saving the codes!

Homework on Processing!
Well, I know it's sort of cheating, I programmed on Processing since I was too lazy to do the math calculation by hand. It shows the answer, although it shows in decimals, not in fractions.

A 60 min Timer.
A 60 min timer.
A 3 min timer.
I programmed this in 15 min because I was too bored. :D
I'll post the video soon :)

For my friend's moving party...
I'm programming a game which my friend can play with and I'm going to make it fun with processing :D

Processing 1.5.1!!
New Release, Processing 1.5.1!!!

A person jumping
I'm trying to make a person jump so that it is like a mario game, but it doesn't work... :(

Calculation on Processing
So I was interested in the percentage of the people who has same birthdays as a person, and I was too lazy to do the calculation by hand, or by calculator (which doesn't work,) so I decided to do it on Processing. The video is coming soon!!!

on April 11...
This is what I programmed on April 11 2011, the first game ever I programmed by myself :))

I created a page for processing. I will be posting what I've created with processing so far :)
Video / Photo Gallery
Android on Processing!!

May 27th